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17 February 2022

Call for New Editor Survey Research Methods

The European Survey Research Association is looking for a new editor for its journal Survey Research Methods. The position starts as soon as possible. The new editor will work next to the current editor (Ulrich Kohler) for up to two years so that a smooth transition will be established.

If you are interested, please send an email to Vera Toepoel (ESRA President, before April 30th, 2022. We will invite potential candidates for an online meeting to discuss the position.

Please see below for further details about the tasks of the editor, work load & requirements. Check also for more information about the journal.

Kind regards

Vera Toepoel
On behalf of the SRM Advisory board (Mick Couper, Frauke Kreuter, Rainer Schnell)

*** Tasks of the Editor

  1. Quality control:
  2. Desk-rejection
  3. Assignment of papers to associated editor who then supervise the paper
  4. Supervision (i.e. selection of reviewers and recommendations)
  5. Decision (editor has sole responsibility for all decisions)
  6. Production:
  7. Assignment of papers to typesetters
  8. Decisions for difficult typesetting-issues
  9. TOP-Guidelines
  10. Policy
  11. Website maintenance
  12. Indexing (DOAJ, SSCI, Scopus)
  13. Copyright issues
  14. Involvement of advisory board
  15. Special Issue
  16. Reviewing system
  17. Selection of associate editors

*** Work load

  1. 4-6 hours per week
  2. SRM exists since January 1 2007. Since then, we had 7995 submissions, which is approximately 1.6 submission per day, or 10 papers per week.
  3. Great majority gets desk-rejected
  4. Editor supervises more than 50% of the papers
  5. Work load is higher before actual publication dates

*** Requirements

  1. Broad interest in survey research (supervision of any topic)
  2. Decisive
  3. Open minded
  4. Statistical fluent
  5. Reliable (Timeliness of issues is very important)
  6. Knowledge of LaTeX is a pre (b/c of typesetting problems)
  7. Candidate should preferably have a tenured position (b/c stability, requirement to defend tough decisions and work load)
  8. European based (b/c of the "E" in ESRA)