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Meet the local ESRA Committee

A Day in the Life of Daniëlle Remmerswaal

Hello, my name is Daniëlle Remmerswaal and I am a PhD student at Utrecht University. My research focuses on how to recruit and retain participants in smart(phone) surveys using passive data collection. This is a collaborative project with Statistics Netherlands in which I study among other things the respondent’s engagement in various ‘smart’ diary studies such as the travel app and an app for the Household Budget Study. I am looking forward to learn about other research in this area at ESRA.

Daniëlle tells  her students about the ESRA conference

Within the ESRA local committee, I am responsible for recruiting and managing a team of about 30 student assistants to help us out during the conference. Since I am involved in the teaching of “methodology and statistics” courses to third year bachelor students, I took the opportunity to tell my students about ESRA, and about the possibility for them to help out at the conference.  The course I was teaching this morning was on Structural Equation Modelling. In the winter period I will be teaching a survey specific course called  ”Conducting a Survey” which I am looking forward to.

Daniëlle in front of the CBS building in The Hague

After class in the Ruppert building (where ESRA will be as well), I rushed to take the tram to the train station (15 minutes), where I took the train to Statistics Netherlands (CBS) in The Hague (40 minutes). Here, I had a meeting with CBS researchers about my PhD project, and I attended a workshop on a new Research Server for heavy computational jobs.

Back in Utrecht, I finished the day with a late afternoon walk along the Oudegracht with some ice cream. Luckily, the dark clouds in The Hague did not travel with me to the center of Utrecht😉

Late afternoon walk at the Oudegracht in Utrecht