ESRA 2023 Candidates
We are pleased to announce the candidates for the 2023-2025 ESRA Committee. The final list of nominated candidates has been agreed by the current ESRA Committee. Elections will be held electronically before the conference and will be concluded before the General Assembly on Tuesday, 18th July, 2023. If you are a current member of ESRA, you are eligible to vote. Please take some time to learn more about the colleagues who have been nominated.
New entrants
 | Angelo Moretti is an Assistant Professor in Statistics at the department of Methodology and Statistics at Utrecht University, where he specialises in survey statistics, in particular small area estimation and data integration methods. He enjoys working interdisciplinary and his areas of application are poverty, crime, social exclusion and public attitudes. He is an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. |
 | Mengyao Hu is an Assistant Research Scientist in the Demography of Aging, Disability and Care Program within the Survey Research Center. She received her Ph.D. in Survey Methodology at the University of Michigan in 2018. Her current research interests include the identification and reduction of measurement errors in cross-cultural surveys, survey non-response, longitudinal survey data analysis, methodological issues in surveys with older populations, and the use of machine learning in survey research. Dr. Hu is currently collaborating with the National Health and Aging Trends Study and National Study of Caregiving as a co-Investigator to enhance user outreach and evaluate new data collection designs. |
 | Pablo Cabrera Alvarez is a senior research officer at the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex. He works at Understanding Society, the United Kingdom Household Longitudinal Study, investigating the impact of response maximisation strategies, such as survey incentives or enhanced contact strategies, on data quality and survey costs in longitudinal surveys. Before joining Understanding Society, he obtained a PhD from the University of Salamanca and worked as a Survey Statistician at NatCen Social Research. |
 | Trent D. Buskirk is the Novak Family Distinguished Professor of Data Science and outgoing Chair of the Applied Statistics and Operations Research Department at Bowling Green State University. Dr. Buskirk is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and his research interests include big data quality, recruitment methods through social media, the use of big data and machine learning methods for health, social and survey science design and analysis, mobile and smartphone survey designs and in methods for calibrating and weighting nonprobability samples and fairness in AI models and interpretable ML methods. Recently, Trent served as the President of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research in 2016, the Conference Chair for AAPOR in 2018 and is currently part of the scientific committee for the BigSurv23 conference. Trent also serves as an Associate Editor for Methods for the Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. |
 | Alisu Schoua-Glusberg is a cultural/linguistic anthropologist and has worked in survey research since 1984. She is a Sr. Survey Methodologist at Research Support Services Inc. (Illinois – USA) a firm she co founded in 1996. As a survey researcher she has used qualitative techniques for informing and improving questionnaire design, including focus groups, cognitive testing, and ethnographic interviews, specializing in the use of these techniques with immigrants in the US. She has pioneered new approaches to instrument translation, a topic on which she has written and presented widely. She has consulted internationally on survey design and survey data quality, and has worked in international development projects in Turkey, Mexico, the Georgian Republic, Ghana, Senegal, Burkina Faso, and Chile. She served on the U.S. Census Bureau National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic, and Other Populations from 2013-2019. She was a member of the European Social Survey’s Translation Task Force from 2008-2013 and is a current member of the ESS’ Translations’ Expert Group. She serves in AAPOR’s Council as a Councillor-at-large (2022-2025). |
 | Carina Cornesse is a senior survey methods researcher at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), where she is the principal investigator of the German Socio-Economic Panel Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS) and the German Social Cohesion Panel (SCP). Her research interests include the recruitment and maintenance of panel studies, assessing and combining probability and nonprobability survey samples, as well as mixed-mode and online survey methodology. |
Existing board members, serving in 2023-2025
 | Vera Toepoel is head of the methodology department at Statistics Netherlands. Vera is the author of the book “Doing Surveys Online” published by Sage, and has published numerous papers on survey methodology. |
 | Vera Lomazzi is assistant professor in Sociology at the University of Bergamo. She is the Secretary of the Executive Committee of the European Values Study (EVS). Her expertise is in quantitative methods, survey methodology and cross-national comparison. |
 | Alexander Wenz is a research fellow at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research at the University of Mannheim. He holds a PhD in Survey Methodology from the University of Essex. His research examines the quality of novel methods of data collection, with a focus on mobile web surveys, smartphone apps, wearable sensors, and digital behavioral data. |
 | Daniel Seddig is a senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology at the University of Cologne and currently interim professor of criminology at the University of Münster (2022-2023). He is associate editor of the European Journal of Criminology and Survey Research Methods. |
 | Alessandra Gaia is a Research Fellow at the University of Milano-Bicocca. Her research interests are in the field of survey methodology (non-response, measurement error, data linkage, and new technologies for data collection) and social statistics (use of new technologies in old age). |
 | Emily Gilbert is the Principal Research Officer at the Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC), working with the public perception and victim satisfaction surveys. Her research interests relate to survey methodology, particularly issues concerning attitude measurement and data quality. |
 | Olga Maslovskaya is an Associate Professor in Survey Research and Social Statistics at the University of Southampton. Olga is a Survey Methodologist with an interest in all aspects of survey and a special interest in survey data collection and data quality. |
 | Ulrich Kohler is Professor of Methods of Empirical Social Research at the University of Potsdam. He is editor of Survey Research Methods. |
 | Michael Bergmann is a senior researcher at the Munich Research Institute for the Economics of Aging and the SHARE Berlin Institute. He is head of the survey methodology unit of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). |
 | Tom W. Smith is a Senior Fellow at NORC, University of Chicago. He is co-founder and former Secretary General of the International Social Survey Program. |
 | Rene Bautista is Associate Director of the Methodology and Quantitative Social Science Department at NORC at the University of Chicago. He is co-PI and Director of the General Social Survey (GSS). He also teaches at the Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies at the University of Chicago. |
 | Stephanie Steinmetz is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Lausanne and Amsterdam where she is a member of the Life Course and Inequality Centre (LIVES) and FORS. Currently, she is Secretary General of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP). |
 | Daniil Lebedev Daniil Lebedev is a post-graduate student and a lecturer at the Department of Sociological Research Methods at HSE University. |