Gender Equality in Comparative Perspective 2 |
Coordinator 1 | Dr Natalia Soboleva (LCSR National Research University Higher School of Economics) |
Coordinator 2 | Dr Vera Lomazzi (GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences) |
Coordinator 3 | Dr Beatrice Elena Chromková Manea (Masaryk University) |
Countries vary a lot in the level of the gender equality. Some countries accept norms of gender equality while in others traditional gender role attitudes are still prevalent (Braun & Gloeckner-Rist 2011, Inglehart & Norris 2003, Fortin 2005). These tendencies depend upon different determinants ranging from cultural differences in the countries to the characteristics of the labour market. Gender role attitudes in their turn impact the behavior in different spheres such as family, labour market, etc.
Although gender equality is a very popular topic, many conceptual questions are still unclear. Popular cross-country datasets include a variety of items on gender role attitudes. However, the issue remains whether these items are comparable across countries. For example, the popular scales in European Values Study, World Values Survey, Gender and Generation Survey, European Social Survey and International Social Survey Programme have different factorial structure across countries or present problems in comparability across large samples (Braun 2009, Constantin & Voicu 2015, Van Vlimmen et al. 2016, Lomazzi 2017).
The session welcomes papers that study different aspects of gender equality in a comparative perspective. Authors are invited to submit papers based on European Values Study, European Social Survey, and other datasets that allow making cross-country or cross-regional comparisons. Contributions can be either theoretically or empirically based. We are particularly interested in research addressing the following topics:
• Comparison of different gender equality indices;
• Macro- and micro-level determinants of gender equality;
• The relation between gender role attitudes and behavior;
• The impact of gender role attitudes on different life spheres (e.g. family, labour market, politics, social solidarity, etc.);
• Tendencies in gender equality values and their impact upon social policy.