11 February 2025
ESRA Statement on Data Access and Open Science
The European Survey Research Association (ESRA) expresses serious concern about recent developments threatening the access to publicly available data and open science in the United States with world-wide implications. Open data access is of critical importance for scientific research, policymaking, non-profit and commercial sectors, and the general public.
ESRA is committed to advancing survey research and promoting an open knowledge exchange between survey researchers in Europe and beyond. We strongly urge policymakers and researchers around the world to uphold the principles of open science which include the accessibility of research data through open science infrastructures, transparency in research, and open engagement between data producers, users, and the society at large. In a context of increasing complexity and societal challenges, we believe that openness, networks, and bridges can foster democratic development. Closure, isolation, and barriers cannot be the solution to address these challenges.