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Tuesday 14th July, 16:00 - 17:30 Room: HT-103

Innovations in Computer-Assisted Data Collection

Convenor Ms Beth-ellen Pennell (Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan )
Coordinator 1Ms Patty Maher (Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan )
Coordinator 2Ms Gina Cheung (Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan )

Session Details

This session (or sessions) will focus on the rapid diffusion of technology and new methods and approaches in automated data collection, including those being used in new and innovative ways in developing or transitional countries. Presentations may address methods and technologies used in data collection for quality monitoring, to reduce costs, make data available more quickly, or to expand measures using such technologies as biometric and biohaviometric devices. We welcome papers that highlight new technologies or older technologies being used in new contexts and new ways. For example, the collection and analysis of rich paradata (process data) is increasingly being used in very diverse settings, even in contexts with very little data collection infrastructure. Other examples of the use of technologies in new contexts include audio computer assisted interviewing, audio recording, digital photography, use of global positioning systems to add contextual data or as a quality control measure, satellite imaging to assist in sample selection, among many other possibly examples. Finally, future focused presentations that highlight methodological and technological challenges and opportunities for the field of survey methodology and survey practice are welcome.

Paper Details

1. Multi Mode Survey Managment Design and Implementation
Mrs Gina Cheung (The University of Michigan Survey Research Center )
Ms Patty Maher (The University of Michigan Survey Research Center)

More and more survey researcher organizations utilize more than one mode of data collection (i.e., mixed-mode surveys/multi-mode surveys) in survey projects in order to capitalize on greater potential response rates and/or improved coverage of the population of interest. However, designing and managing the collection of mixed-mode surveys for appropriate quality dataset is challenging for all survey organizations. This presentation will discuss the technical and methodological challenges and opportunities in mixed-mode data collection.

2. Audio-recording of verbatim thinkalouds: a solution to the problems of interviewer transcription?
Dr Rebekah Luff (National Centre for Research Methods, University of Southampton)
Professor Patrick Sturgis (National Centre for Research Methods, University of Southampton)

Open-ended questions provide potentially richer data than closed-format responses. In CAPI surveys, interviewers have typically typed responses, leading to variation in the quality of typing and coding. Audio-recording verbatims offers potential advantages in data quality, however consent to be audio-recorded is unlikely to be random. In this paper we weigh the costs and benefits of audio-recording OEQs, in a nationally representative face-to-face survey. We conclude that while recording reduces interviewer variation and improves data quality, consent is non-random and both consent and this question type favour the more knowledgeable.

3. Using paradata to monitoring interviewers’ behavior: Case studies from a national household survey in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Ghana

This presentation focuses on using keystroke data, household, and geographic characteristics available to monitor interviewer’s behavior in two national household surveys using CAPI in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Ghana. We propose a list of quality control metrics to improve data collection efficiency and data quality of interviewer administered surveys. We demonstrate how making quality control metrics available is extremely important when conducting international work that is centrally coordinated. These tools in conjunction with the analysis of rich paradata allow for real-time monitoring and control even in widely dispersed and geographically distant field operations.

4. Data Collection Monitoring and Quality Control: International Examples
Mrs Beth-ellen Pennell (Survey Research Center, University of Michigan )
Mrs Gina Cheung (Survey Research Center, University of Michigan )

This presentation will describe innovative uses of rich paradata (process data) to monitor production and quality indicators in household surveys in international settings. Data collection technologies that have been widely used in the developed world for decades are increasingly being adapted and used in innovative ways in new contexts. With these innovations come new challenges, however. The presentation will discuss advantages, challenges and lessons learned across a diverse set of projects as well as make recommendations for new developments in this space. The presentation will provide examples from projects in China, Ghana, India, Nepal, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.