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Wednesday 15th July, 09:00 - 10:30 Room: HT-105

New forms of data collection: mobile/web 2

Convenor Dr Emanuela Sala (Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, Università di MIlano Bicocca )
Coordinator 1Dr Mario Callegaro (Google)
Coordinator 2Dr Teresio Poggio (Faculty of Economics and Management Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)

Session Details

Advances in mobile and Internet technology offer researchers new tools, opportunities and challenges to design and carry out social surveys. The aim of this session is to foster discussion on the use of new forms of data collection in social research and its impact on data quality.

Paper Details

1. Challenges and Strategies for developing one instrument for multi-mode surveys
Mrs Gina Cheung (SRC University of Michigan)
Mrs Jennifer Kelly (SRC University of Michigan)

To save cost, we all have a wish that we only need to program one instrument that works both for interviewer-administered and self-administered surveys. However, developing one instrument for multi-mode surveys poses nontrivial challenges for question design (i.e. how the question is asked), instrument design (i.e. layout) and programming (i.e. complex code).In this presentation, we will discuss the challenges in designing and implementing multi-mode survey instruments from a methodological and technological perspective. We will also share our strategies for addressing these challenges and best practices that we developed during this process.

2. Challenges of technology based surveys and dealing with them within the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)
Dr Roman Auriga (Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, Germany, Bamberg)

Using technology based assessment tools (e.g. tablets, laptops, e-pens) often implies unexpected challenges. Within NEPS these challenges consist of the amount of produced data, the corresponding data flow regarding the collaboration with data collection institutes and data protection, as well as the cooperation of the participants and the institutions conducting the surveys.
Within the presentation the experience of these and similar topics as well as the differences between paper-and-pencil administered and technology based studies will be shown. Conclusions regarding the consequent advantages and disadvantages with a focus on technical, organizational and financial aspects will be drawn.

3. Triangulation of Subjective Well-Being in the German Socio-Economic Panel Study
Dr David Richter (German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP))
Professor Richard Lucas (Michigan State University)
Professor Jürgen Schupp (German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP))

Starting in 2012, a CAPI version of the Day Reconstruction Method was given to 2,050 respondents of the SOEP Innovation Sample. For each episode of the previous day, respondents reported up to two activities and a general rating of pleasantness. In 2014, the Experience Sampling Method was used with around 250 respondents, who were given smart phones, and they used them to complete short questionnaires on what they were currently doing and how they were feeling. In combination, the data allow connecting global ratings of life satisfaction with episodic reconstructions of the previous day, and realtime measurements of wellbeing.

4. Adapting survey questionnaires to touch-screen tablets. The ELIPSS Panel example
Miss Emmanuelle Duwez (SciencesPo - CDSP)
Mr Mathieu Olivier (SciencesPo - CDSP)

The probability based web panel Elipss ensures that all respondents answer identically designed questions by equipping the entire panel with the same touch-screen tablet. However two specific challenges have to be overcome: to deal with the heterogeneity in digital proficiency of a general public and to meet the expectations of researchers in this digital mobile environment. In this paper we will present and critically discuss the choices made during pilot study of Elipss to conceive and produce an appropriate design for questionnaires.