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Thursday 16th July, 11:00 - 12:30 Room: HT-105

Web and mixed-mode data collection in National Statistics 1

Convenor Mrs Karen Blanke (FSO Germany )
Coordinator 1Mrs Annemieke Luiten (Statistics Netherlands)

Session Details

Many countries within the European Statistical System (ESS) are considering web-based data collection in a system of multiple mode data collection. Eurostat initiated the ESSnet project “Data Collection in Social Surveys Using Multiple Modes” with the purpose to support Member States in their development and implementation efforts. A consortium of five NSIs has done extensive research on the development of web-based data collection tools for NSIs, specifically the Labour Force Survey, and the impact of implementing multimode data collection.
Concerning the web questionnaire, much of the work was aimed at finding out how severe the challenges in switching to self-completion actually are and if/how interviewer-assistance can be adequately replaced in web questionnaires, in view of the complicated concepts measured. The second aim was how to design functionalities in web questionnaires like instructions, routing, edit checks, customised wording or the variety of question types.
Concerning mixed mode data collection, we focussed on three issues: the organisation of mixed mode data collection, mode effects and adjustment for mode and measurement effects. In ‘organisation’ we focus on mode strategies: which modes in which sequence, response rates and measures to heighten web response. Attention is also given to the important subject of case management systems: software systems that are able to support all modes and allow flexible transitions from one mode to another. Concerning mode effects, several studies were performed on mode effects in mixed mode LFS designs. The final research topic was estimation and adjustment: given that there are mode effects, can we adjust for them, and how should that be performed.
We propose either one session where the partners in this research project discuss the findings on the topics or alternatively, we could have a double session where a number of speakers are invited to present.

Paper Details

1. Web questionnaires in official statistics: Methodological challenges - Lessons from the ESSnet DCSS
Mrs Karen Blanke (FSO Germany)

While the ESSnet project “Data Collection in Social Surveys Using multiple Modes” (DCSS) project is coming to an end, methodological discussion is ongoing. Many countries in the ESS plan to introduce web as part of their mixed-mode designs for social surveys . Based on the findings of the project there seems to be no fundamental reason to advise against this strategy. The presentation discusses several advantages and disadvantages of introducing web data collection. Based on lessons learnt from conducting the project (meeting reality), issues such as unimode vs specified approaches for questionnaire design, standardization and longitudinal perspectives will be presented.

2. Online data collection at the Office for National Statistics
Miss Laura Wilson (Office for National Statistics)
Miss Louise Morris (Office for National Statistics)

The Office for National Statistics is investing in the introduction of an online mode to its existing Social Surveys and an online Census in 2021. This is an important ongoing area of work; previous experience has highlighted the need for a radical research programme to support successful introduction of online data collection. This presentation sets out the plans for ongoing research and the context within which this work is being taken forward. It shares the research findings and challenges faced to date and those on the horizon. We invite discussion and encourage others to share their experiences and recommendations.

3. Refining the Web Response Option in the Multiple Mode Collection of the American Community Survey
Mr Todd Hughes (U.S. Census Bureau)
Mrs Jennifer Tancreto (U.S. Census Bureau)

The American Community Survey (ACS) successfully employs a sequential multi-mode collection strategy that includes web, mailout/mailback, telephone, and face-to-face interviewing. This presentation summarizes results from several analyses of survey data as well as recent field experiments to refine our methods and answer the following questions: Can reminder email messages effectively encourage respondents to finish partially completed survey responses? What modifications to the mail materials encourage response by web or mail? What are the characteristics of those who complete the survey using mobile devices? How does the use of a web response option impact response groups with

4. The Analysis of Respondent’s Behavior toward Edit Messages in a Web Survey
Miss Youngshil Park (Statistics Korea)

The Statistical Research Institute has studied the design of the web questionnaire of the 2015 Census using an eye-tracker. If a non response or error was detected in web survey, respondents received the “edit” message with a pop up window, and the respondents were required to fill in the missing information or correct information. However, they were easily fatigued and tended to answer less accurately when the respondents received too many messages. For this sort of “response fatigue” led to satisficing errors. Thus, we should consider what the appropriate number of edit messages is to be in web survey