All time references are in CEST
08:15 - 17:00 | Registration desk opens |
09:00 - 10:30 | Surveying Ukrainian Refugees in Europe: Implementation, Methods, Challenges, and Exchange of Experiences 1 (Room: U6-01a)Session Organisers: Probability Sampling for a Study of Ukrainian Refugees in Germany Experiences of Displacement and Community: Surveying Ukrainians in a Small Town Approaches to Reach Ukrainian Refugees in the Context of a Study on Emotion Regulation Skills of Adults and PTSS in Children Under Their Care |
09:00 - 10:30 | Frenemies: Understanding and interpreting the impact of answer scale orientation on survey data quality (Room: U6-01b)Session Organisers: Effects on reversing a 5 point vertically oriented satisfaction question, results from 3 studies using bipolar and unipolar satisfaction scales The Impact of Answer Scale Orientation on the Measurement of Life Satisfaction The Impact of Breaking the Conversational Norm – Up and Left Means Good KnowledgePanel Europe – Results of a multi-country split-ballot design |
09:00 - 10:30 | Overcoming challenges in mobile questionnaire design 2 (Room: U6-01c)Session Organiser: Ms Joanna d'Ardenne (NatCen Social Research) Smartphone first questionnaire design: First results of an experiment by Statistics Netherlands Common Mobile Survey Design Issues That Lead To Bad Data : Learnings From Research Experiments & Client Case Studies A Smartphone First approach. Lessons learned from the redesign of the Dutch Education survey. Mobile Questionnaire Design: Learnings from Redesigning the Online Data Collection at Destatis |
09:00 - 10:30 | Live video interviewing in survey practice 3 (Room: U6-01e)Session Organisers: Who is Choosing Video Interviewing? A Look into Respondent Characteristics of Video Adopters Video Interviewing in Full Production: A New Mode Is Here to Stay ESS + CAVIsio Video Interviewing in Household and Non-Household Settings for the Mental and Substance Use Disorders Prevalence Study (MDPS) |
09:00 - 10:30 | Boost that respondent motivation! 1 (Room: U6-01f)Session Organisers: Effects of diversified conditional incentives to young adults and people born outside the Nordics The Effect of an Unconditional Symbolic Incentive The short and long-term effects of between-wave mailings and incentives on schoolchildren and parents response rates: a randomized survey experiment on the NEPS Mastering Respondent Motivation: Building and Maintaining a High Responsive, Probability-based Internet Panel Face-to-Face Fieldwork in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Approach of PIAAC Germany to Motivate Participation |
09:00 - 10:30 | Sampling migrants in general population surveys 1 (Room: U6-06)Session Organisers: Random-probability sampling in EU Survey on Immigrants and Descendants of Immigrants (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights) Sampling immigrant groups in Germany: Lessons from the sampling approach of the NaDiRa.panel Sampling Migrants? A probability based approach using social media screening How to sample migrants in general population surveys when population lists are not available? A respondent-driven approach Methodological Issues in Onomastics: Surveying Immigrants from Muslim Countries in Germany |
09:00 - 10:30 | Historical and philosophical reflections on survey sampling 1 (Room: U6-07)Session Organisers: Mandarinates and international survey networks: professional rivalries and the first British Crime Survey Cross-National Survey Research: 1936-1960: The Diffusion of an Innovation Changing Views and Public Acceptance of the Role of Polls in a Democracy Methodological design challenges of interdisciplinary research projects for family studies. The Recent History of Probability and Non-probability Sampling in Survey Reserach |
09:00 - 10:30 | Measuring crime in times of change: survey developments and challenges 1 (Room: U6-08)Session Organisers: Hiding the hate – the spatial context of official US hate crime reports Redesigning the Crime Survey for England and Wales Testing reliability and validity of ALLMOR 50 years of NCVS data: What we’ve accomplished and where we are headed The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: how a face to face survey adapted to the pandemic and changing demands for crime information |
09:00 - 10:30 | European Values Study and World Values Survey: Exploring New Survey Findings and Addressing Methodological Challenges 3 (Room: U6-09)Session Organisers: Separating cross-cultural and cross-national: an investigation of moral differences using the European Values Study Different Methods, But Same Results? A Comparison of Causal Forest and Propensity Score Matching on Health Disparities Between Natives And Migrants Religiosity, religious context, and intolerance: A cross-survey comparison Do Mode and Design Matter? Comparability and Representation between Face-to-Face and different designs of Push-to-Web using substantive research questions Co-nationals, first! How national identity and perceived threats matter in native favouritism |
09:00 - 10:30 | Attitudes towards migrant and intergroups dynamics: insights from survey research (Room: U6-11)Session Organiser: Dr Veronica Riniolo (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan) Understanding the impact of the pandemic crisis on attitudes toward immigration and multiple discrimination. Evidence from the European Social Survey Using OpenStreetMap, Census and Survey Data to Predict Interethnic Group Relations in Belgium: A Machine Learning Approach Measurement invariance and quality of attitudes towards immigration in the European Social Survey |
09:00 - 10:30 | Survey research on work, labor market and welfare 1 (Room: U6-20)Session Organiser: Mr Felix Bitterer (Bielefeld University) The importance of political values on the decision to work in public service What Motivates People to Continue Working After Retirement Age? Work-related changes during COVID-19 Exploring longitudinal data from the European Working Conditions Survey |
09:00 - 10:30 | Improving the representativeness, response rates and data quality of longitudinal surveys 3 (Room: U6-21)Session Organisers: Using a Stopping Rule to Optimize Cost-Quality Trade-offs in a Longitudinal Study of Doctorate Recipients Change or Challenge: Is Consent to Data Transfer to new Project Institutions in a Self-administered Panel Survey Selective? The Transformed Labour Force Survey (TLFS): Improving the representativeness and quality of data through an Adaptive Survey Design Transitioning Healthcare Research from Telephone to a Mixed-mode Methodology while Ensuring Sample Representativeness Among Lower SES Populations |
09:00 - 10:30 | Measurement Error: Factors Influencing the Quality of Survey Data and Possible Corrections 3 (Room: U6-22)Session Organisers: Implementations of vignettes about neighbourhood composition Question characteristics and their effect on measurement quality. A meta-analysis using seven rounds of the European Social Survey. Appraising the sampling and assessment designs in ILSAs: A design effect standpoint |
09:00 - 10:30 | Assessing the Quality of Survey Data 3 (Room: U6-23)Session Organiser: Professor Jörg Blasius (University of Bonn) Designing a Global Quality Profile Using a Total Survey Error and Fitness-for-Use Framework Is Dirty Data Worth Less?: Data Cleaning Effects on Bias and Analytic Model Quality Military survey standards and guidelines: A total-survey-quality approach Minimising survey data errors in complex humanitarian settings: Lessons learned from the field Correcting for Total Survey Error in National and Sub-National Administrative-Data Based Estimates of Crimes Reported to the Police |
09:00 - 10:30 | Methods for questionnaire development: SQP, Cognitive Interviewing, and others 1 (Room: U6-28)Session Organisers: In-house pretesting with Qualitative Pretest Interviews (QPI) - the example of SHARE The Application of Natural Language Processing Methods for prediction of item nonresponse: evidence from the ESS |
09:00 - 10:30 | Opportunities and Challenges in Dealing with Selection Bias in Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Surveys 1 (Room: U6-02)Session Organisers: Longitudinal Nonresponse Prediction and Bias Mitigation with Machine Learning Case Prioritization in a Panel Survey Based on Predicting Hard to Survey Households by Machine Learning Algorithms: An Experimental Study Optimizing adaptive survey design accounting for mode-specific measurement bias: A case study on the Dutch Health Survey |
09:00 - 10:30 | Challenges and Consequences of Switching Face-to-Face Population Surveys to Self-Completion (Mixed-Mode) Designs 1 (Room: U6-03)Session Organisers: Adapting Round 4 of the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project for Remote Administration: Transitioning Face-to-Face Questionnaire and Biomeasures Data Collection with Older Adults to Web, Phone, and Mail The Effects of Using Sample Tranches and Delayed Conditional Incentives on Survey Response and Data Quality in the Self-Completion Mixed-Mode Pre-Election Survey of the GLES 2021 Surveying the Youth Population with the CAWI Mode. Some Sparks from the Research Field |
09:00 - 10:30 | Social Media Ads as a tool for targeted survey sampling 1 (Room: U6-05)Session Organisers: Assessing self-selection biases in online surveys: Evidence from the COVID-19 Health Behavior Survey Sampling a Cross-National Health Survey with Social Media Advertisements – Comparing Selection Bias for Different Targeting Strategies in Three African Countries Polarizing Ads to Recruit Survey Respondents: A Comparative Study of Facebook Ads and Their Impact on Sample Composition. |
09:00 - 10:30 | Wearables, Apps and Sensors for Data Collection 1 (Room: Martini U6-4)Session Organisers: Collecting Person-Generated Health Data in a Population-Representative Panel Recording the Time Divide: A Comparative Study of Smartphone- and Recall-Based Approaches to Time Use Measurement Comparing wear time, compliance with study protocols, sample demographic composition, substantive variables, nonresponse, and attrition across three studies involving use of GENEActiv, Fitbit, and Atmotube wearable devices Demographics and health related determinants of data donors in the RKI Corona-Datenspende study GeoService: Inclusion of geolocation data as tentative data to MOTUS. |
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee break |
11:00 - 12:30 | Panel discussion: Survey research post-pandemic: What is it becoming (Room: Aula Magna) |
12:30 - 14:00 | Lunch |
14:00 - 15:30 | Improvement of measurements in health research 1 (Room: U6-01a)Session Organisers: How do response scale labels affect the assessment of self-rated health? Bayesian integration of objective and subjective health measurements for survey research How Do Questionnaire Design and Respondent Selection Impact Survey Data Collection on Health? Experimental Evidence from National Phone Surveys in Africa How do children rate their health? Evidence from a cognitive pretest in children aged 9 to 12 years The Minimum European Health Module as a Measure of Generic Health: A Suitable Alternative to Self-Rated Health? |
14:00 - 15:30 | Cross-national probability-based web or mixed mode panels 1 (Room: U6-01b)Session Organisers: Upscaling the ‘CRONOS’ probability-based web panel across a diverse Europe Respondent Contact Information Update: Mixed Mode Collection in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) Challenges in building the first probability-based online panel in the Czech Republic - CRONOS-2 experience Exploring the Feasibility of Web Surveys as an Additional Interview Mode to Collect Cross-national Survey Data from the Older Population: The SHARE Self-completion Questionnaire |
14:00 - 15:30 | Overcoming challenges in mobile questionnaire design 3 (Room: U6-01c)Session Organiser: Ms Joanna d'Ardenne (NatCen Social Research) Implementation of a Computer-Assisted-Web-Interview Mode for the Adult Education Survey in Austria Dynamic Surveys for Dynamic Life Courses Automated Split Questionnaire Design: The Way Forward in Survey Research? Grid Questions in PC and Smartphone Surveys: Alternative Layouts and Implications for Data Quality and Survey Estimates |
14:00 - 15:30 | Children and Youth cohort studies: developments and innovations 1 (Room: U6-01e)Session Organisers: Surveying Teenagers – Different Modes, Teachers’ Supervision and Data Quality “Just ask them, silly”: Post-survey youth advisory groups to reduce attrition in longitudinal studies Co-design with adolescents to create innovative digital tools to enhance longitudinal data collection Incorporating participant voices into a new UK birth cohort feasibility study Pre-piloting in a multinational birth cohort study - Growing up in Digital Europe (GUIDE): the results of cognitive interviews with children and carers |
14:00 - 15:30 | Interviewers and measurement quality 1 (Room: U6-01f)Session Organiser: Dr Vera Toepoel (Statistics Netherlands) Effective ways to detect and minimize undesirable interviewer behaviour in a decentralized cross national comparative survey. Findings from the Europeans Social Survey R9 and R10. What can interviewer -collected paradata tell about measurement quality in face-to-face surveys? Analyzing response styles in the 21-item version of Schwartz’s Portrait Values Questionnaire based on the European Social Survey, 2008 - 2018 Adapting Field Staff Recruiting Efforts in a Post-Pandemic World Are interviewer variances equal across modes in mixed-mode studies? The Gamification of Field Interviewer Production |
14:00 - 15:30 | Assessing the Quality of Survey Data 4 (Room: U6-06)Session Organiser: Professor Jörg Blasius (University of Bonn) Insufficient Effort Responding with Adolescent Respondents: Measurement, Extent, and Prediction Memory Effects in Online Panel Surveys: Investigating Respondents’ Ability to Recall Responses from a Previous Panel Wave The Effect of Disclosing the Survey Topic on Nonresponse Bias Are Vaccination Campaigns Misinformed? Experimental Evidence from COVID-19 in Low- and Middle-income Countries Assessing Data Quality in the Age of Digital Social Research: A Systematic Review |
14:00 - 15:30 | Opportunities and Challenges in Dealing with Selection Bias in Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Surveys 2 (Room: U6-07)Session Organisers: Evaluating Pre-Election Polling Estimates Using a New Measure of Non-Ignorable Selection Bias Validating an index of selection bias for proportions in non-probability samples How to Mitigate Selection Bias in COVID-19 Surveys: Evidence from Five National Cohorts The Sensitivity of Selection Bias Estimators: A Diagnostic based on a case study and simulation |
14:00 - 15:30 | Challenges and Consequences of Switching Face-to-Face Population Surveys to Self-Completion (Mixed-Mode) Designs 2 (Room: U6-08)Session Organisers: Will web interviews substitute face to face interviews? An evaluation of RDD Sampling for Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) as a viable substitute for Face-to-Face surveys in adverse events Consequences of Different Mode-Choice Sequences in Large-Scale Mixed-Mode Survey Samples. Experiences From the German General Social Survey 2021 Answers as expected? The effects of survey mode on estimates on attitudinal questions in self-completion and face-to-face interviews of the European Social Survey |
14:00 - 15:30 | Social Media Ads as a tool for targeted survey sampling 2 (Room: U6-09)Session Organisers: Advertising on Social Networking Sites for Survey Recruitment: On the Importance of Ad Images on Ad Performance and Data Quality Can Concern-Addressing Chatbots Increase COVID-19 Vaccination Among Social Media Users in Kenya and Nigeria? Continuous Survey Sample Optimization via Explicit and Implicit Targeting Using Ad Platform APIs |
14:00 - 15:30 | Improving the representativeness, response rates and data quality of longitudinal surveys 4 (Room: U6-11)Session Organisers: Day of The Week and Time for Survey Dispatch: Effects on Participation Rates Timing of Implementation of a Stopping Rule and Its Effects on Survey Errors and Costs Only call me when it’s raining out – Weather condition’s influence on survey unit (non-)response ELIPA 2 |
14:00 - 15:30 | Innovations in the conceptualization, measurement, and reduction of respondent burden 1 (Room: U6-20)Session Organisers: Split Questionnaire Design to Reduce Survey Length: Design, Optimization, and Evaluation Response Burden – Review and Conceptual Framework Evaluating Smartphone Survey Apps and Modular Design Testing a Planned Missing Design to Reduce Respondent Burden in Web and SMS Administrations of the CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey (CG-CAHPS) Survey Length and Burden: The Effect of Number of Survey Questions and Complexity on Survey Outcomes. |
14:00 - 15:30 | Wearables, Apps and Sensors for Data Collection 2 (Room: U6-21)Session Organisers: To share or not to share -- Using open-ended survey questions to understand data sharing decisions Smart social research: Octopus Research Tools (ORT) An Experiment Asking for Photos of the Books Participants Have at Home An Overview of Survey Development Activities for the Second National Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS-2) Investigating the Use of Wearables in a Nationwide Longitudinal Cohort: Implications for Equity |
14:00 - 15:30 | Approximating Probability Samples in the Absence of Sampling Frames 3 (Room: U6-22)Session Organisers: Enhancing Model-Based Adjustments of Nonprobability Surveys: Selecting Auxiliary Variables Based on Theoretical Assumptions about their Association with Survey Participation and Variables of Interest The Potential of Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS) in Survey Practice: Who is Willing to Recruit? Integrating probability and non-probability samples to improve analytic inference and reduce costs Statistical inference with non-probability survey samples with misclassification in all variables |
14:00 - 15:30 | Push-to-Web Surveys: Challenges and Opportunities 3 (Room: U6-23)Session Organisers: With confidence: supporting digitally excluded respondents in push-to-web surveys Concurrent, Web-first, Push-to-web or Web-only? How different mode choice sequences perform in recruiting participants into a self-administered mixed-mode panel study Choosing a Web-Push or a Web-Only Survey Mind the interviewer: push-to-web text messages within a sequential mixed-mode survey The COVID Social Mobility & Opportunities study (COSMO): challenges and opportunities of using push-to-web to recruit a new youth cohort study in England during the pandemic |
14:00 - 15:30 | Survey research on work, labor market and welfare 2 (Room: U6-28)Session Organiser: Mr Felix Bitterer (Bielefeld University) Perceptions of Economic Fairness in Northern Ireland: Evidence from the 2021 Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey Virtual Encounter Simulations for Comparing Public Expectations About the Role of the Welfare State Improving the Measurement of Women and Youth’s Informal Work in Non-Urban Settings: The Impact of the Use of List of Activities and Self Responses Examining the cognitive abilities and financial literacy among tribal street entrepreneurs: A field experiment in North-East, India |
14:00 - 15:30 | The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) - data quality issues in cross-national perspective 1 (Room: U6-02)Session Organisers: Assessing survey questions to measure populism from a cognitive testing perspective Overcoming the structuralist/individualist dichotomy: Inequality beliefs from a new network and comparative perspective Should we care about pay ratios? Pros and cons in a comparative framework Environmental concern and willingness to pay: differences across age groups and countries |
14:00 - 15:30 | Quantitative and qualitative methods to survey hard-to-reach populations 3 (Room: U6-03)Session Organisers: How to Survey Sensitive Topics in Hard-To-Reach Populations – An RDS-based factorial survey with rejected asylum seekers singleRcapture: an R package for estimation of hidden populations using single-source capture recapture models Using a Records-Survey Linkage to Identify Households At Risk of Under-Reporting Young Children What is important to RDS data collection productivity? |
15:30 - 16:00 | Coffee break |
16:00 - 17:30 | Occupation Coding (Room: U6-01a)Session Organisers: Do national coding indexes code the same occupations similarly? Software-Assisted Occupational Coding - Evaluation of Coding and Validation Processes with CODI A Holistic Toolbox for Interactive Occupation Coding in Surveys Evaluating Interviewer-Respondent Dynamics in Interactive Occupation Coding Analyze professional coders’ view regarding the Auxiliary Classification |
16:00 - 17:30 | Concise results from the European Social Survey (Room: U6-01b)Session Organiser: Mr Stefan Swift (European Social Survey) The Gendered Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Labour Market Outcomes: A comparative analyses of European countries THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTERNET USE AND WELL-BEING. AN ANALYSIS USING THE EUROPEAN SOCIAL SURVEY (ESS). |
16:00 - 17:30 | Questionnaire translation and the global crises – new challenges and opportunities (Room: U6-01c)Session Organisers: Rapid Double Translation of the OECD/PISA Global Crises Module Survey instruments in cross-national research – how do social scientists vs. professional translators translate these? The TeO2 survey among non-French speakers Who translates and why? Translation procedures in large-scale cross-national studies The impact of machine translation on the dynamics of the Review step in a questionnaire translation project – an experiment for English-to-German translation |
16:00 - 17:30 | Measuring skill mismatches and qualification mismatches. Current trends, challenges and opportunities. (Room: U6-01e)Session Organisers: Internal Locus of Control and Mismatch in the Labour Market Accepted or Undesired – Qualification Mismatch in Higher Education Considering Job Satisfaction The Proof of the Pudding Is in the Eating. Measuring Skills (Mis)match of Higher Education Dropouts |
16:00 - 17:30 | Cross-national probability-based web or mixed mode panels 2 (Room: U6-06)Session Organisers: First impressions matter: A randomised experiment analysing question order effects in a cross-national survey The influence of social capital on survey participation COVID-19 pandemic response in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion: Sampling, design and participation of a longitudinal cross-border study To be or not to be a panelist? The case of Portugal in CRONOS From minor data gaps to major errors – Simulation study to demonstrate potential bias of online surveys |
16:00 - 17:30 | Improving the representativeness, response rates and data quality of longitudinal surveys 5 (Room: U6-07)Session Organisers: Efforts to boost response and maximise representativeness in the Next Steps Age 32 Survey. Implications of parental opt-out or opt-in consent for response rates and representativeness in a national longitudinal survey of youth Lotteries as a means to improve participation in panel surveys? Short- and long-term effects of participatory and personalized lottery measures on the survey participation of young adults in NEPS Do targeted higher-value conditional incentives improve survey response and representation in longitudinal studies? Evidence from the COVID Social Mobility and Opportunities Study (COSMO) in England |
16:00 - 17:30 | Boost that respondent motivation! 2 (Room: U6-08)Session Organisers: What factors influence participation in citizens’ workshops and follow-up surveys? The Role of Respondent Motivation on Item Nonresponse for Split-Ballot Survey Data Experimental evidence on the effect of motivational statements to reduce item non-response in an opt-in panel |
16:00 - 17:30 | Challenges and Consequences of Switching Face-to-Face Population Surveys to Self-Completion (Mixed-Mode) Designs 3 (Room: U6-09)Session Organisers: Switching to a Mixed-Mode Survey Design – Insights from the Adult Education Survey in Austria Switching a Face-to-Face Panel to Self-Administered Survey Modes: Experimental Evidence on Effects of Mode Assignment on Data Quality Studying the Impact of Different Incentive Strategies on Response, Sample Composition, and Costs in Large-Scale Self-Completion Surveys in Germany Next Birthday approach to sampling in an ESS experiment in Great Britain and beyond |
16:00 - 17:30 | Children and Youth cohort studies: developments and innovations 2 (Room: U6-11)Session Organisers: What are alternative measures of socio-economic status in surveys with 8-year-olds? Growing Up in Ireland: Evidence based development of the New Birth Cohort Questionnaire Content Growing Up in Québec: main parameters, data collection mode, and retention strategies The Child Development Supplement to the US Panel Study of Income Dynamics: Results, Innovations, and Plans |
16:00 - 17:30 | Innovations in the conceptualization, measurement, and reduction of respondent burden 2 (Room: U6-20)Session Organisers: Response Burden and Dropout in a Probability-Based Online Panel Study – A Comparison between an App and Browser-Based Design Relationship Between Past Survey Burden and Response Probability to a New Survey in a Probability-Based Online Panel Modeling the Relationship between Proxy Measures of Respondent Burden and Survey Response Rates in a Household Survey Reducing the respondent burden of income questions in a longitudinal study |
16:00 - 17:30 | Wearables, Apps and Sensors for Data Collection 3 (Room: U6-21)Session Organisers: Researching the moment of truth: an experiment comparing in-the-moment and conventional surveys to investigate online job applications Active or Passive. How Much Respondent Interaction Is Needed in a Smart Travel Survey? Using an Innovative Smartphone App (BabySteps) for Data Collection and Participant Engagement on a Large-scale Birth Cohort Study Protocols to Invite Survey Respondents to Data Collection Using Mobile Apps: Effects of Survey Mode, Incentives and Feedback on Participation Rates and Bias |
16:00 - 17:30 | Methods for questionnaire development: SQP, Cognitive Interviewing, and others 2 (Room: U6-22)Session Organisers: The Integration of the Survey Quality Predictor 3.0 into the Questionnaire Development Process – Applications and Potentials Score Validation via Cognitive Interviewing with Psychological Scales Adapted in Greek Evaluating Questions when Time is Tight: Using Multi-Method, Multi-Phase Approaches in a Rapid Survey Environment |
16:00 - 17:30 | Push-to-Web Surveys: Challenges and Opportunities 4 (Room: U6-23)Session Organisers: The innovative ‘ePhenome’ tool: Remotely assessing phenotypes for the very large, whole-of-state Generation Victoria (GenV) cohort of parents and newborns. Transitioning an Employee Panel Survey from Telephone to Online and Mixed-Mode Data Collection The Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) in the UK: Results from user testing and methodological experiments Learning From the Past, Building the Future: Changing the Way We Think About Web-Only Surveys. Surveys of health care organizations in times of crisis. Insights from an online survey of nursing, palliative and hospice care facilities in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic |
16:00 - 17:30 | Improvement of measurements in health research 2 (Room: U6-28)Session Organisers: Can the Lifecourse of Long COVID be Predicted?: Harnessing Organic Data to Advance Evidence-Based Health Policymaking Measuring the impact of deliberative dialogues on citizens’ beliefs and risk assessment Understanding the Influence of Health-Related Information in Online Searches on Online Behavior and Attitudes Attitudes Towards Pregnancy Programs During the Covid-19 Pandemic - May Vignette Studies Illustrate Increasing Demands? Is a picture worth a thousand words? Potentials and challenges of the non-verbal assessment of psychological constructs. |
16:00 - 17:30 | Metadata uplift, machine learning and sustainable methods for metadata curation (Room: U6-02)Session Organisers: Initial findings from the automation of extraction of metadata from questionnaires and its classification Thematic Exploration of Interview Materials using NLP tools |
16:00 - 17:30 | Digital technologies for the data lifecycle of large-scale surveys 1 (Room: U6-03)Session Organisers: Using Paradata Dashboards for Real-Time Data Collection Monitoring and Intervention Self-completion platform for ESS Managing fieldwork with the DataCTRL suite |
16:00 - 17:30 | Sampling migrants in general population surveys 2 (Room: U6-05)Session Organisers: Inequalities in Personal Networks by Migration Status in the USA: the UC Berkeley Social Networks survey Children of immigrants and labor market achievement: a (provisional) assessment of the ethnic penalty in Italy Religious tradition, destination contexts and personal characteristics: using ESS data to study migrants’ perceived discrimination Identifying forcibly displaced in national surveys Surveying European migrants in the UK |
16:00 - 17:30 | Linking Survey Data with Geospatial Data: Potentials, Methods, and Challenges 1 (Room: Martini U6-4)Session Organisers: PASS-GEO – Generating small-scale neighborhood information for a large German panel study Accounting for differences in spatial precision for analyses with spatially linked survey data. The Case of a Panel Analysis Spatially Linking Objective Air Quality Data and Micro-Level Survey Data for Germany and England Refining the Minimum Requirements for Surveys to Support Satellite-Based Crop Type Mapping and Crop Yield Estimation: Cross-Country Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa GESIS meets Copernicus - Establishing an interface to the European Earth Observation Programme |
19:30 - 23:30 | Conference dinner at Osteria del treno Via S. Gregorio, 46, 20124 Milano |