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Attitudes towards migrant and intergroups dynamics: insights from survey research

Coordinator 1Dr Veronica Riniolo (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)

Session Details

This session explores attitudes toward migration and intergroup dynamics in different EU countries. It
offers both a cross-national comparison of attitudes toward ethnic groups in several EU countries
and it proposes a focus on two national contexts, Germany and Belgium.
Different factors - at micro, meso, and macro level - are considered in the analysis of intergroup
dynamics, such as low SES, feelings of insecurity and marginalization, the role of urban
environment, and the role of the same composition of refugee flow, considering the refugee sex
ratio, on the attitudes towards migration. In addition to this, the panel offers a reflection on the
consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the attitudes toward ethnic minorities.
These multiple perspectives and different empirical studies stimulate a theoretical and
methodological reflection on how to study attitudes toward ethnic minorities. It also offers fresh
insights on the most recent evolution on intergroup dynamics in Europe in the light of the most
recent crises.