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ESRA 2023 sessions by theme

Survey methodology and survey practice

Adapting survey mode in a changing survey landscape: Experiences from repeat cross-national, cross-sectional, and general social surveys 1

Adapting survey mode in a changing survey landscape: Experiences from repeat cross-national, cross-sectional, and general social surveys 2

Adapting survey mode in a changing survey landscape: Experiences from repeat cross-national, cross-sectional, and general social surveys 3

Agility and the Survey Life-Cycle - If and what survey practitioners can learn from software development 1

Agility and the Survey Life-Cycle - If and what survey practitioners can learn from software development 2

Analyzing interaction between interviewers and sample members to better understand survey participation and data quality

Approximating Probability Samples in the Absence of Sampling Frames 1

Approximating Probability Samples in the Absence of Sampling Frames 2

Approximating Probability Samples in the Absence of Sampling Frames 3

Creating a Physically and Psychologically Safe Research Environment

Cross-national probability-based web or mixed mode panels 1

Cross-national probability-based web or mixed mode panels 2

Cross-national probability-based web or mixed mode panels 3

Failures in Survey Experiments 1

Failures in Survey Experiments 2

Frenemies: Understanding and interpreting the impact of answer scale orientation on survey data quality

Innovations in the conceptualization, measurement, and reduction of respondent burden 1

Innovations in the conceptualization, measurement, and reduction of respondent burden 2

Methods for questionnaire development: SQP, Cognitive Interviewing, and others 1

Methods for questionnaire development: SQP, Cognitive Interviewing, and others 2

Mixing Modes in Longitudinal Surveys

Overcoming challenges in mobile questionnaire design 1

Overcoming challenges in mobile questionnaire design 2

Overcoming challenges in mobile questionnaire design 3

Push-to-Web Surveys: Challenges and Opportunities 1

Push-to-Web Surveys: Challenges and Opportunities 2

Push-to-Web Surveys: Challenges and Opportunities 3

Push-to-Web Surveys: Challenges and Opportunities 4

Push-to-Web Surveys: Challenges and Opportunities 5

Reducing respondent burden

Restarting the debate on unipolar vs. bipolar rating scales 1

Restarting the debate on unipolar vs. bipolar rating scales 2

Scale design, attitude measurement, and cultural differences

Sensitive Questions and Social Desirability: Theory and Methods 1

Sensitive Questions and Social Desirability: Theory and Methods 2

Strategic session on the future of survey practices: How has the pandemic affected survey practices - which are worth keeping in the long term?

Survey Nonresponse Trends and Trust in Surveys: A global perspective on the current survey climate 1

Survey Nonresponse Trends and Trust in Surveys: A global perspective on the current survey climate 2

Surveying Older People in Times of Crisis: Methodological Issues 1

Surveying Older People in Times of Crisis: Methodological Issues 2

Surveying Older People in Times of Crisis: Methodological Issues 3

Tailoring push-to-web for different audiences

The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) - data quality issues in cross-national perspective 1

The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) - data quality issues in cross-national perspective 2

Towards Net Zero: Decreasing the environmental impact of surveys

Using surveys in educational context and for the study of youth and children 2

When and how to contact survey respondents

Willingness to participate in data collection

Innovation in surveys: new methods and sources of data

Applications, Potentials, and Challenges when Using Google Trends in Combination or as Substitute for Surveys 1

Applications, Potentials, and Challenges when Using Google Trends in Combination or as Substitute for Surveys 2

Challenges and Consequences of Switching Face-to-Face Population Surveys to Self-Completion (Mixed-Mode) Designs 1

Challenges and Consequences of Switching Face-to-Face Population Surveys to Self-Completion (Mixed-Mode) Designs 2

Challenges and Consequences of Switching Face-to-Face Population Surveys to Self-Completion (Mixed-Mode) Designs 3

Combining Data Science and Survey Research to Improve (Training) Data Quality

Current Developments in Mobility Survey Methods 1

Current Developments in Mobility Survey Methods 2

Data collection with wearable devices 1

Data collection with wearable devices 2

Evaluating Quality of Alternative Data Sources to Surveys 1

Evaluating Quality of Alternative Data Sources to Surveys 2

Human-like communication forms in web surveys

Inattentiveness and Satisficing in Self-Administered Surveys 1

Inattentiveness and Satisficing in Self-Administered Surveys 2

Live video interviewing in survey practice 1

Live video interviewing in survey practice 2

Live video interviewing in survey practice 3

Questionnaire translation and the global crises – new challenges and opportunities

Recent Developments in Privacy Research

Recruiting Web Surveys via Postal-Mail: Best-Practice, Experiments, and Innovation 1

Recruiting Web Surveys via Postal-Mail: Best-Practice, Experiments, and Innovation 2

Smart surveys: Data collection and logistics 1

Smart surveys: Data collection and logistics 2

Smart surveys: Measurement, data processing and data integration 1

Sources of resistance to digital data collection: Privacy concerns, digital trust and data literacy

Surveying or gaming: How to best measure socio-economic behaviors and attitudes? 1

Surveying or gaming: How to best measure socio-economic behaviors and attitudes? 2

Using Internet Surveys in Cross-National Research

Wearables, Apps and Sensors for Data Collection 1

Wearables, Apps and Sensors for Data Collection 2

Wearables, Apps and Sensors for Data Collection 3

Reducing total survey error

Assessing the Quality of Survey Data 1

Assessing the Quality of Survey Data 2

Assessing the Quality of Survey Data 3

Assessing the Quality of Survey Data 4

Boost that respondent motivation! 1

Boost that respondent motivation! 2

Boost that respondent motivation! 3

Falsification detection in times of crisis: Challenges, opportunities, and new directions 1

Falsification detection in times of crisis: Challenges, opportunities, and new directions 2

Improving the representativeness, response rates and data quality of longitudinal surveys 1

Improving the representativeness, response rates and data quality of longitudinal surveys 2

Improving the representativeness, response rates and data quality of longitudinal surveys 3

Improving the representativeness, response rates and data quality of longitudinal surveys 4

Improving the representativeness, response rates and data quality of longitudinal surveys 5

Improving the representativeness, response rates and data quality of longitudinal surveys 6

Interviewer-Assisted or Not? Strengths and Drawbacks of Mode Transitions in Times of Crisis

Item Nonresponse and Unit Nonresponse in Panel Studies 1

Item Nonresponse and Unit Nonresponse in Panel Studies 2

Item Nonresponse and Unit Nonresponse in Panel Studies 3

Measurement Error: Factors Influencing the Quality of Survey Data and Possible Corrections 1

Measurement Error: Factors Influencing the Quality of Survey Data and Possible Corrections 2

Measurement Error: Factors Influencing the Quality of Survey Data and Possible Corrections 3

New technologies in surveys with refugees

Opportunities and Challenges in Dealing with Selection Bias in Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Surveys 1

Opportunities and Challenges in Dealing with Selection Bias in Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Surveys 2

Reducing and measuring nonresponse bias in times of crisis: Challenges, opportunities, and new directions 1

Reducing and measuring nonresponse bias in times of crisis: Challenges, opportunities, and new directions 2

Data management, processing, and documentation

Best practices in research data lifecycle during pandemic times 1

Best practices in research data lifecycle during pandemic times 2

Digital technologies for the data lifecycle of large-scale surveys 1

Digital technologies for the data lifecycle of large-scale surveys 2

Metadata uplift, machine learning and sustainable methods for metadata curation

Occupation Coding

Occupational Classifications and Derived Status Indices: Challenges and New Approaches 1

Occupational Classifications and Derived Status Indices: Challenges and New Approaches 2

Post-survey data: curation and technical data management

Safe research data sharing: disclosivity and sensitivity issues 1

Safe research data sharing: disclosivity and sensitivity issues 2

State of the Metadata Infrastructure

Data linkage and data harmonization

Contexts of VET and HE: Measuring, linking, and analyzing data 1

Data donation and linking digital trace data 1

Data donation and linking digital trace data 2

Experiments in asking for informed consent to data linkage in general population studies 1

Experiments in asking for informed consent to data linkage in general population studies 2

Innovating social research by using existing survey data to build new databases 1

Innovating social research by using existing survey data to build new databases 2

Integrating Data from Different Survey Projects

Linking Survey Data with Geospatial Data: Potentials, Methods, and Challenges 1

Linking Survey Data with Geospatial Data: Potentials, Methods, and Challenges 2

Pitfalls in data integration

Socio-demographic and socio-economic variables in different data sources

Survey Data Harmonisation 1

Survey Data Harmonisation 2

Survey Data Harmonisation 3

Survey research in pilot-municipalities projects

Developments in survey analysis techniques

Analyzing Open-Ended Questions in Survey Research 1

Analyzing Open-Ended Questions in Survey Research 2

Analyzing Open-Ended Questions in Survey Research 3

Contemporary issues in measurement invariance research

Multilevel approaches to survey data analysis

The potential of survey and questionnaire design to achieve measurement invariance 1

The potential of survey and questionnaire design to achieve measurement invariance 2

Tools and program developments for data analysis

Using Panel Surveys to Study Values and Beliefs in Times of Crisis

Substantive applications of survey research

Attitudes towards migrant and intergroups dynamics: insights from survey research

Basic Human Values 1

Basic Human Values 2

Children and Youth cohort studies: developments and innovations 1

Children and Youth cohort studies: developments and innovations 2

Children and Youth cohort studies: developments and innovations 3

Concise results from the European Social Survey

Cross-national multi-purpose survey data as a resource for political research 1

Cross-national multi-purpose survey data as a resource for political research 2

European Values Study and World Values Survey: Exploring New Survey Findings and Addressing Methodological Challenges 1

European Values Study and World Values Survey: Exploring New Survey Findings and Addressing Methodological Challenges 3

Ideologies and attitudes towards science

Improvement of measurements in health research 1

Improvement of measurements in health research 2

Measuring and analyzing trust in institutions

Mental health as social indicator in times of crisis

New Developments and Challenges in Measuring Socioeconomic Status

New Social Norms in Times of Covid-19: Challenges for Survey Research 1

New Social Norms in Times of Covid-19: Challenges for Survey Research 2

Out of Touch - Potential of Spatial Structure Indicators to Analyse Social and Educational Inequality

Perceptions of Inequality and Justice 1

Perceptions of Inequality and Justice 2

Political polarization, voting and turnout: insights from survey research

Sampling migrants in general population surveys 1

Survey data as a source to study sustainability and environmental issues

Survey methods for studying the impact of multiple crises on attitudes towards the EU: findings and methodological challenges

Survey research on work, labor market and welfare 1

Survey research on work, labor market and welfare 2

Using surveys in educational context and for the study of youth and children 1

Hard to reach populations

Developments in survey methods and analysis about LGBTI+ populations 1

Developments in survey methods and analysis about LGBTI+ populations 2

Quantitative and qualitative methods to survey hard-to-reach populations 1

Quantitative and qualitative methods to survey hard-to-reach populations 2

Quantitative and qualitative methods to survey hard-to-reach populations 3

Sampling migrants in general population surveys 2

Social Media Ads as a tool for targeted survey sampling 1

Social Media Ads as a tool for targeted survey sampling 2

Surveying Ukrainian Refugees in Europe: Implementation, Methods, Challenges, and Exchange of Experiences 1

Surveying Ukrainian Refugees in Europe: Implementation, Methods, Challenges, and Exchange of Experiences 2

The LGBTQI* challenge: How to include sexual and gender minorities in general population, longitudinal and cross-national surveys? 1

The LGBTQI* challenge: How to include sexual and gender minorities in general population, longitudinal and cross-national surveys? 2

Measuring concepts

Cultural Capital in a Digitalized World

Measuring crime in times of change: survey developments and challenges 1

Measuring crime in times of change: survey developments and challenges 2

Measuring sex and gender identity in social surveys: the next phase 1

Measuring sex and gender identity in social surveys: the next phase 2

Measuring skill mismatches and qualification mismatches. Current trends, challenges and opportunities.


Historical and philosophical reflections on survey sampling 1

Open Science & Open Data: Challenges and Innovations

Poster Session 1