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Safe research data sharing: disclosivity and sensitivity issues 1

Coordinator 1Dr Aida Sanchez-Galvez (Centre for Longitudinal Studies, UCL Social Research Institute)
Coordinator 2Dr Vilma Agalioti-Sgompou (Centre for Longitudinal Studies, UCL Social Research Institute)
Coordinator 3Dr Deborah Wiltshire (GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)

Session Details

A core activity of many surveys is the safe provision of well-documented and de-identified survey data, linked administrative data and geographical data to the research community. Data sharing is based on the consent given by the participants and is conditional on the assurance that confidentiality and GDPR rights will be protected. Breaking this assurance would constitute an ethical violation of consent and would threaten the trust that survey participants place in the team who collects their data and may affect their willingness to participate in further data collections.
Data sharing policies and applications are generally overseen by Data Access Committees. Data releases are either managed by the studies themselves, or by national repositories. The choice of data access routes usually depends on the disclosivity and sensitivity of the data. Data are considered disclosive if there are concerns over the re-identification of individuals, households, or organisations by a motivated intruder, and are considered sensitive if they fall under the GDPR definition of “special category data”, which require additional protection. Disclosive and sensitive data require a higher degree of security and are generally only available in secure sharing platforms, such as local secure servers or Trusted Research Environments (TREs).
The aim of this session is to create a space to share ideas and techniques on data access and how to address the risk of disclosivity and sensitivity. We invite colleagues to submit ideas relating to:
• Data sharing routes for survey and linked data
• Methods of disclosure control prior to data sharing
• Methods of risk assessment of disclosivity and sensitivity
• Data classification policies and sharing agreements
• Technical tools used to generate bespoke datasets
• Trusted Research Environments / Secure Labs: remote vs in-person access
• Syntax sharing and reproducibility
• International data sharing
Papers need not be restricted to these specific examples.