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ESRA 2023 sessions by theme

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Falsification detection in times of crisis: Challenges, opportunities, and new directions 2

Coordinator 1Mr Markus Bönisch (Statistics Austria)
Coordinator 2Dr Eduard Stöger (Statistics Austria)

Session Details

With response rates for sample surveys continuing to decline for face-to-face surveys, incentives for interviewers may increase to help improve production, and temptations may rise for interviewers to falsify data. Methods exist to identify interviewers for which further investigation about their cases is needed. The approaches include validation of finalized cases through calling the respondents and asking them to verify the contact by the interviewer, and there are other attempts to assess the data, such as interview data, paradata, and GPS data. This session is designed to raise aspects of retaining data quality in the presence of falling response rates, in particular to detect falsification suspicions through a data driven process, to defend suspicions, and to investigate. Presentations will provide emerging approaches to detect potential falsification. The session will include a variety of surveys (e.g., Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, PIAAC), from different countries, and sectors (government, private sector, university).