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Best practices in research data lifecycle during pandemic times 2

Coordinator 1Ms Irena Vipavc Brvar (ADP - Slovene Social Science Data Archives)
Coordinator 2Ms Martina Drascic Capar (CESSDA - Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives)

Session Details

As researchers, we are well equipped with methodological knowledge on research processes. However, we sometimes lack the time to follow new developments in the field or are not aware of all the tools and services available out there that would improve our research process, make it more transparent, and its outputs more visible and accessible.

This session will expose the research data lifecycle phases and tools that accompany it:
- It starts with a good data management plan to get data of highest quality. One might use tools as CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide, or The Multilingual Corpus of Survey Questionnaires.
- It continues with organising and arranging documentation, and
- follows up with processing, which could be especially challenging when working with cross-national surveys (with eg. Web Panel Sample Service).
- Research institutions sometimes offer storage solutions for collected materials, as well as help in resolving ethical and legal issues (secure access to sensitive data) so researchers could
- publish data in trusted repositories (with Core Trust Seal or Nestor Seal certification) where long-term preservation is possible.
- The process is not finished until data and other research outputs are discoverable through different portals (eg. CESSDA Data Catalogue, SSH Marketplace, OpenAIRE, GoTriple…). Once this is secured, we know the data can be reused, enriching the field.

In the last two years, the pandemic has set some limitations, so this session encourages discussion on challenges of completing the lifecycle and producing quality research in challenging times.

We are inviting papers addressing experience on the topic of best practices in the research data lifecycle from different perspectives: providers of the services, researchers using them, and data stewards helping the process. Papers should focus on a certain phase, describe a use case or highlight more broadly best practices and services used in different countries or areas.