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Optimizing Follow-up: Innovations in Case Prioritization, Non-response Follow-up, and Following Movers

Coordinator 1Dr Brady T. West (University of Michigan)
Coordinator 2Dr James Wagner (University of Michigan)

Session Details

The move into a multimode survey design, especially for longitudinal/panel data collections, can present opportunities for generating data that is higher quality, more timely, more cost effective, and with reduced respondent burden. However, new challenges related to multimode data collection emerge when incorporating CAPI or CATI with Internet Self-Response (ISR). Researchers must now account for workload composition by mode, sample bias, non-response follow-up, and, in the case of longitudinal surveys, following respondents who move between waves.

In this session, we encourage submissions from papers that address questions related to maximizing survey response, effort, and quality in a multimode data collection setting. Especially for longitudinal surveys, how can CAPI/CATI be leveraged to provide focused non-response follow-up for the hardest to reach cases while leveraging ISR to provide cost effective data collection? What does following mobile panel members look like when incorporating multimode data collection into longitudinal data collection? In a web-push survey design, how should researchers structure case prioritization to ensure a representative sample using CAPI/CATI follow-up if nearly all ISR non-response follow-up is deemed ‘high-priority’?