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ESRA 2025 sessions by theme

Survey methodology and survey practice

Adapting survey mode in a changing survey landscape: Experiences from repeat cross-national, cross-sectional, and general social surveys

Adapting survey mode in a changing survey landscape: Experiences from repeat cross-national, cross-sectional, and general social surveys 2

Adapting survey mode in a changing survey landscape: Experiences from repeat cross-national, cross-sectional, and general social surveys 3

Adapting survey mode in a changing survey landscape: Experiences from repeat cross-national, cross-sectional, and general social surveys 4

Adapting survey mode in a changing survey landscape: Experiences from repeat cross-national, cross-sectional, and general social surveys 5

Advances in Life History Data Collection

Agility and the Survey Life-Cycle - How to win the hearts and minds of the team?

Automated Preloading and Definition of Panel Samples

Challenges and opportunities when using Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA)

Cheating in Indirect Questioning Sensitive Surveys

Complex measurements in online self-completion surveys

Complex measurements in online self-completion surveys 2

Data Collection on Educational Biographies of Students in Compulsory Education and Beyond

Data Collection Using Wearable Devices: Challenges and Opportunities

Dealing with biases and memory effects

Education Bias in general population surveys

Embracing Diversity in Gender Identity in Survey Practices

Ethical, legal, and technological challenges of data collection from digital platforms

Evaluating Mixed-Mode in Panel Surveys: Where do we stand and where do we go from here 2?

Evaluating Mixed-Mode in Panel Surveys: Where do we stand and where do we go from here?

Exploring Agent-based Interviewing in Web Surveys

Exploring non-respondents in self-completion surveys

Exploring non-respondents in self-completion surveys 2

Exploring Organizational Structures in Survey Infrastructures

Exploring Organizational Structures in Survey Infrastructures 2

Factorial Surveys – Methods and Applications

Factorial Surveys – Methods and Applications 2

Generational Perspectives on Key NextGenerationEU Themes: Insights from Cross-National Surveys

Get in touch–stay in touch: Efficient and suitable recruitment and survey strategies

Get in touch–stay in touch: Efficient and suitable recruitment and survey strategies 2

Get in touch–stay in touch: Efficient and suitable recruitment and survey strategies 3

Good, fast, cheap: Pick two – Optimizing Sampling Strategies for Modern Survey Research

Good, fast, cheap: Pick two – Optimizing Sampling Strategies for Modern Survey Research 2

Good, fast, cheap: Pick two – Optimizing Sampling Strategies for Modern Survey Research 3

Harnessing technology when adapting face-to-face survey questions for the web

Innovative Uses of Multimode and Multidata in Surveys: Challenges, Success, and Error Trade-offs

Innovative Uses of Multimode and Multidata in Surveys: Challenges, Success, and Error Trade-offs 2

Integrating Participant Voice in Study Design through PPIE

Interviewers across the Survey Life Cycle

Interviewers across the Survey Life Cycle 2

Interviewers across the Survey Life Cycle 3

Maintaining contact and tracking participants in longitudinal studies

Making surveys more inclusive and equitable: strategies, actions and challenges

Making surveys more inclusive and equitable: strategies, actions and challenges 2

Making surveys more inclusive and equitable: strategies, actions and challenges 3

Measurement errors in smart surveys: Accomplishments, challenges, and looking forward

Measuring complex emotions within the context of family life

Merits and limits of respondent recruitment through social media

Methodological aspects of privacy measurement in surveys

Methods for Within-household Selection in Surveys without Field Interviewers

New Data Spaces for the Social Sciences - An Interdisciplinary Program for Survey Innovation in Germany

New Data Spaces for the Social Sciences - An Interdisciplinary Program for Survey Innovation in Germany 2

Open Forms of Pretesting

Open Forms of Pretesting 2

Optimizing Grid Questions in Mixed-Mode Surveys Across Devices: Challenges and Solutions

Optimizing Probability-Based Web Panel Performance

Optimizing Probability-Based Web Panel Performance 2

Optimizing Probability-Based Web Panel Performance 3

Promises and problems of factorial surveys and choice experiments - Methodological challenges and substantive conclusions for survey research

Promises and problems of factorial surveys and choice experiments - Methodological challenges and substantive conclusions for survey research 2

Quality Assurance in Survey Data: Frameworks, Tools, and Quality Indicators

Quality Assurance in Survey Data: Frameworks, Tools, and Quality Indicators 2

Quality Assurance in Survey Data: Frameworks, Tools, and Quality Indicators 3

Really Random? Exploring Bias and Quality in Random Sampling

Recruiting Web Surveys via Postal-Mail: Best-Practice, Experiments, and Innovation

Recruiting Web Surveys via Postal-Mail: Best-Practice, Experiments, and Innovation 2

Recruitment methods for surveys without field interviewers

Recruitment methods for surveys without field interviewers 2

Sampling mode comparisons

Satisficing in Self-Completion Modes: Theoretical Understanding, Assessment, Prevention and Consequences for Data Quality

Satisficing in Self-Completion Modes: Theoretical Understanding, Assessment, Prevention and Consequences for Data Quality 2

Split Questionnaire Designs in Social Surveys: Challenges and Solutions

Survey research and the COVID-19 pandemic

Survey research beyond the binary - Exploring the potentials, challenges and consequences of alternative measures for assigned sex, gender identity/expression and sexual orientation

Survey research beyond the binary - Exploring the potentials, challenges and consequences of alternative measures for assigned sex, gender identity/expression and sexual orientation 2

Survey research on democracy and solidarity

Survey research on sustainability

Survey research on well-being

The Implementation of PIAAC Cycle 2: Challenges and Lessons Learnt

The Implementation of PIAAC Cycle 2: Challenges and Lessons Learnt 2

The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) – Methodological innovations and substantive research in comparative perspective

The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) – Methodological innovations and substantive research in comparative perspective 2

The use of differential incentives in surveys

The use of differential incentives in surveys 2

Understanding survey participation among children, teenagers and young adults: opportunities, challenges and gaps

Understanding survey participation among children, teenagers and young adults: opportunities, challenges and gaps 2

Use of Machine Learning in Questionnaire Development and Evaluation

Using Central Management Strategies and Workflows in Large-Scale Surveys to Reduce Total Survey Error and Implement Methodological Changes

UX, user-centred, and respondent-centred design: its application and development

UX, user-centred, and respondent-centred design: its application and development 2

Variance estimation in complex sample surveys

Video interviewing for survey data collection: beyond the pandemic

Video interviewing for survey data collection: beyond the pandemic 2

Vignette Experiments in Survey Research: Exploring Discrimination Mechanisms through Controlled Scenarios

Vignette Experiments in Survey Research: Exploring Discrimination Mechanisms through Controlled Scenarios 2

Ways Forward: Social Science Research Data Infrastructures in Europe

Ways Forward: Social Science Research Data Infrastructures in Europe 2

Innovation in surveys: new methods and sources of data

AI for Survey Construction: Innovations, Challenges, and Future Directions

alternative data sources and pseudo-inference in official statistics

Automatic coding with deep learning: feature extraction from unstructured survey data

Big Administrative Data for Survey Methodology in the Era of Machine Learning

Bridging Methodology and Computational Social Science

Bridging Methodology and Computational Social Science 2

Can new and alternative data sources, formats and methods help to improve the inclusivity of survey data?

Children and Youth cohort studies: developments and innovations

Children and Youth cohort studies: developments and innovations 2

Children and Youth cohort studies: developments and innovations 3

Collection of Genetic Information in Panel Surveys

Current developments in improving digital accessibility of web surveys

Current Developments in Mobility Survey Methods

Current Developments in Mobility Survey Methods 2

Developing Innovative and Model-Based Interventions to Combat Survey Satisficing

Evaluating applications of generative artificial intelligence in questionnaire design, evaluation and testing

Harnessing AI and machine learning techniques for survey data collection

Incorporating machine learning into the response process

Innovations in Health Data Collection: Harnessing Technology for Enhanced Health Monitoring and Research

LLM-generated responses (synthetic respondents) and social science research

LLM-generated responses (synthetic respondents) and social science research 2

Network Sampling

New approaches to biomeasure collection in social surveys

New approaches to biomeasure collection in social surveys 2

Promises and Problems of AI Chatbots for Survey Research

Public perceptions on using novel digital data sources and collection methods

Quality Assurance in Digital Trace Data gathered through Data Donations: Frameworks, Tools, and Best Practices

Quality Assurance of Sensor Data in Survey Research

Questionnaire translation in a changing world: challenges and opportunities

Questionnaire translation in a changing world: challenges and opportunities 2

Register-based sample surveys in practice

Sensitive and indirect questioning

Showcasing software tools and Infrastructures for the collection and integration of new data sources

Survey research and the COVID-19 pandemic

Surveys and HCI and UX Research: Applications, challenges, and opportunities

Synthetic Data Generation and Imputation with LLMs

The benefits and challenges of collecting biodata on remote studies

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Data Collection

Web Probing

Reducing total survey error

Assessing and improving survey data quality in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)

Assessing and improving survey data quality in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) 2

Assessing and improving survey data quality in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) 3

Assessing the Quality of Survey Data

Assessing the Quality of Survey Data 2

Assessing the Quality of Survey Data 3

Improving the representativeness of longitudinal surveys

Increasing data quality in online surveys via contact and questionnaire design strategies

Innovations in Adaptive Survey Designs

Item Nonresponse and Unit Nonresponse in Panel Studies

Item Nonresponse and Unit Nonresponse in Panel Studies 2

Optimizing Follow-up: Innovations in Case Prioritization, Non-response Follow-up, and Following Movers

Representativeness in Social and Health Surveys

Responsive and Adaptive Surveys: Are they really addressing current Data Collection challenges?

Validating Elections Polls

Data management, processing, and documentation

Enhancing Survey Operations through Software Solutions: from questionnaire design to data curation

Enhancing Survey Operations through Software Solutions: from questionnaire design to data curation 2

New developments in research data infrastructures

New developments in research data infrastructures 2

New Developments in Using, Sharing, and Re-using Metadata

New Developments in Using, Sharing, and Re-using Metadata 2

Open Science in Survey Research

Sharing routes for individual-level research data and code

Sharing routes for individual-level research data and code 2

Data linkage and data harmonization

Advances in the integration of geospatial data for social research

Advances in the integration of geospatial data for social research 2

Contextualizing surveys: Incorporating digital trace and media data

Data integration and other challenges: A Bayesian perspective

Environmental data in survey research – discrepancies between objective and subjective perspectives

Internal and external validity in data donation studies

Linking survey data with digital trace data: error sources and best practices

Pitfalls and challenges of combining survey and georeferenced data

Quality Assurance in the Linkage of Survey Data: Frameworks, Tools, and Best Practices

Quality Assurance in the Linkage of Survey Data: Frameworks, Tools, and Best Practices 2

Survey Data Integration: Nonprobability Surveys, Administrative and Digital Trace Data

Survey Data Integration: Nonprobability Surveys, Administrative and Digital Trace Data 2

Survey Data Integration: Nonprobability Surveys, Administrative and Digital Trace Data 3

Why are respondents less likely to consent to data linkage in web than in-person interviews, and what can we do to increase informed consent in web?

Developments in survey analysis techniques

"Other, please specify": Analyzing Open-ended Responses for Sociodemographic Questions

Advances in in Survey Methodology: Accounting for Spatial and Temporal Information

Advances in statistical analysis and survey data analysis skills

Advancing Survey Research through AI and Machine Learning: Current Applications and Future Directions

Coding and Analyzing Open-Ended Questions in Surveys

Data skills for analysts in contemporary social survey research

Leveraging Natural Language Processing Techniques for the Analysis of Open-ended Survey Responses in Public Opinion Research

Missing Data, Selection Bias and Informative Censoring in Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Surveys

Missing Data, Selection Bias and Informative Censoring in Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Surveys 2

Mode Effects in Practice

Mode Effects in Practice 2

Recent advances in collecting and analyzing open-ended survey responses

Survey and Sampling Methodologies in Network Data

The Use of Machine Learning Techniques When Dealing with Missing Data

Substantive applications of survey research

Bridging ESS and EVS to study social attitudes, norms and values across Europe

Current methodological challenges and applications in environmental and climate research

Current methodological challenges and applications in environmental and climate research 2

Current methodological challenges and applications in environmental and climate research 3

European Values Study and World Values Survey: Substantive Findings and Methodological Challenges in value research

European Values Study and World Values Survey: Substantive Findings and Methodological Challenges in value research 2

European Values Study and World Values Survey: Substantive Findings and Methodological Challenges in value research 3

Health research

How can we measure post-school educational contexts? – Analysing the interplay between students, schools, firms and universities

Measuring Discrimination: Methodological Challenges and Insights

Measuring Discrimination: Methodological Challenges and Insights 2

Multi-source data for labour statistics

Multi-source data for labour statistics 2

Number of hours usually worked? Methodological challenges in accurately measuring working time

Poverty – A Maze of Measurement

Rethinking the Study of Political Participation: Leveraging Survey Data, Emerging Methods and Data Sources in the Post-Pandemic World

Sources, consequences and measurement of antisemitism

Studying attitudes toward immigrants

Studying attitudes toward immigrants 2

Studying attitudes toward immigrants 3

Survey research and the COVID-19 pandemic

Survey Research on Adult Education: Existing Challenges and New Opportunities

Survey Research on Adult Education: Existing Challenges and New Opportunities 2

Survey research on democracy and solidarity

Survey research on sustainability

Survey research on well-being

Surveying Social Norms: Challenges for Survey Research

Surveying Social Norms: Challenges for Survey Research 2

Surveying Social Norms: Challenges for Survey Research 3

The Social Impact of the Green Transition: Measures, Methods, and Tools

Unexpected Research Findings - Reasons and Consequences

Hard to reach populations

Best practices for multilingual surveys

Conventional and Innovative Sampling Methods for Hard-to-Survey Populations

Empowering Inclusion: Surveying LGBTQ+ Health Care Professionals Experiences in the Workplace

Enhancing survey participation rates of migrants and ethnic minority groups through tailored recruitment strategies

Hearing children’s voices: designing and pre-testing questions for children and young people

Issues in Survey Methods and Analysis about LGBTI+ Communities

Issues in Survey Methods and Analysis about LGBTI+ Communities 2

Methods of including and boosting under-represented population subgroups

Potentials, and Challenges When Surveying Youth and Emerging Adults

Sampling migrants in general population surveys

Survey experiments with hard-to-survey populations: Solutions or new challenges?

Surveying Diversity: Methodological Issues and Best Practices

Surveying Diversity: Methodological Issues and Best Practices 2

Surveying people living in nursing homes and other institutions: Challenges and solutions

Surveying people living in nursing homes and other institutions: Challenges and solutions 2

Surveying the Elderly: Methodological Issues

Surveying Ukrainian Refugees in Europe: Implementation, Methods, Experiments, and Challenges

Surveying Ukrainian Refugees in Europe: Implementation, Methods, Experiments, and Challenges 2

The role of online research panels in surveying hard-to-reach populations

Measuring concepts

Measurement and coding of job-related information: Occupation, industry, and skill

Measurement and coding of job-related information: Occupation, industry, and skill 2


Poster Session

Teaching Survey Methodology – Challenges and New Approaches

The debating chamber – big strategic survey research questions for community debate