Advances in in Survey Methodology: Accounting for Spatial and Temporal Information |
Coordinator 1 | Dr Veronica Ballerini (University of Florence) |
This session aims to explore cutting-edge advancements in survey methodology, focusing on the integration of spatial and temporal dimensions to enhance data analysis. The discussion will cover a range of innovative approaches tailored to address the complexities of spatiotemporal dynamics within survey data, from longitudinal investigations to sequential designs and spatial sampling methodologies. The spotlight will be on advancements in spatially balanced sampling techniques, showcasing their wide-ranging applications in fields such as environmental studies, geology, biology, and agriculture. Particularly noteworthy is their efficacy in surveys where population characteristics are inherently geo-referenced, presenting a novel perspective on sampling strategies in these specialized domains. The session will also address the challenges associated with studying the longitudinal dimensions of socioeconomic phenomena. In scenarios where data stem from rotational panel designs and sample sizes may be insufficient for detailed analysis, navigating issues, such as poverty transitions, within sub-populations poses a significant hurdle. The discussion will shed light on strategies to overcome these obstacles and extract meaningful insights from limited sample sizes, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of dynamic socioeconomic trends.
The session is thought for hosting contributions of early career statisticians.